Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm in Love!

As you all know, I have been moping around since my beautiful little feathered friend passed away last month.  It has taken me all this time to get used to not being able to "talk" to my little buddy, and even though Churchill was not terribly noisy, I have hated the quiet place my house has become.

I have been watching  "Birds for sale" ads on Kijiji for a whole month now and I have even inquired to a few of them, but the problem seems to be that even though I want another cockateil - I absolutely can't stand the thought of one that resembles Churchill.

What to do?

Last weekend Gary and I stopped at a Pet Store to check out the birds.  They did not have any cockateils, only budgies and conures.  I played around with the conures for a bit, but they really didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

Then I started to read articles and visit websites on conures, and slowly my opinion started to change.  I contacted a local avery that raises both cockateils and conures and asked a whole bunch of questions.  This morning I received a lovely note back from the breeder with pictures, and OMG - the baby conure she has up for adoption is so darn cute that already I'm scheming on how I can get this bird.

He's not cheap, and I'm not rich - that's my first and probably my only obstacle.  I guess we'll have to see how this all pans out.  He won't be ready for adoption until June, so I have a bit of time, but I'm thinking he really needs to move into my craft room with me.

Here's the baby conure

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