Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Happy First Day of Spring!

It's been quite awhile since I have felt like writing, I apologize for abandoning you, but sometimes it is a good thing to disconnect from our normal for a little while.

Looking out my window as I write this, it looks nothing like spring - it is actually snowing here, and its cloudy and gloomy - not what one wants to see at all on the first day of spring - however the calendar says warmer weather is around the corner, so we should be thankful that winter is mostly behind us now!

Winter - well, for me it was a challenge this year!  I usually embrace winter, but this one was brutally cold, and I think what really made it overly long and tedious for me was the inability to get out of the house.

I had a very nasty flare up of Plantar Fascists, and pretty much from early December until just recently, I have been unable to walk.  It made me so miserable and grumpy.  I couldn't get upstairs to craft, or write blogs... I couldn't go for walks with my camera on nice sunny days - it really affected me a lot.

I also have been stressing about my eye.  I have a retina thing going on, and have had to change my specialist appointment twice, once due to weather and once to a nasty flu bug, that still has me coughing 4 weeks later.

But this is all behind me now, I hope.  I seem to be having more energy, the days are longer, and the snow is melting. 

You know my mind is on what lies beneath the snow in the back yard.  I have started a few perennial seeds - I have some nice Shasta Daisy's growing, and a few Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea growing in pots, some herbs and a few other plants, and in a week or so, I will start my vegetable seedlings for my garden.

But my big project, came as a surprise one day, when Gary announced he wanted to move out of his little theater room into the big family room.  I jumped at the opportunity to seize another spare room, and along with it a new project!

He had painted the walls a cranberry red, which was really nice for a theater room, but way too dark for what I want, so I have painted it a soft grey-green colour.  It is going to be the new doll room, but also I am making it a special room for our two new soon to be little grand-daughters.  I will put a bed in there, and I am going to even make a canopy for it using a hula hoop and some sheers.  The room will be theirs to play in, to sleep in - whatever they want to do.  I have cabinets for my collectible dolls, so they will be safe from little fingers, but still they are dolls - if little girls want to play with them - they will be able to.

So the room is painted - I shampooed the carpet, and now I am going to try my hand a some chalk painting projects. 

More on that next time....

Gosh it's good to be writing again....

Happy Spring everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Sprig to you! Snowing here today, too. This is HIGHLY unusual here in Maryland. More sow predicted tomorrow.



 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...