Wednesday, September 23, 2015


It has been many months since I have been able to post here on my blog.  There are a number of reasons for this, but the main one is that due to an email change, my account got severely messed up and I was not able to access Blogger.

This is now fixed and here I am.  Welcome back to me - and hopefully to you too.  Hope all my readers haven't given up on me.

There have been a lot of major changes in my life in the past four months.  Firstly, I have retired from the working world.  There are not enough Yay's in the world to add to that statement.  Secondly we have sold our home and moved to the country... The Yay thing applies here too!

It is a really good thing that Gary and I adapt to change so well - because these major life changes could have had the potential to really mess with us... but in the end... these changes have been the best thing we have ever done for ourselves.

So we are living in a small town in rural Manitoba... and totally loving it.  We love everything there is about living here.  The people are wonderful - friendly, generous...helpful.  The town is quiet, clean, well cared for by it's community, proud and honest.  If this was a TV show, we would be in Everwood, Mayberry, Walton's Mountain...

The home we bought is much larger than we had in the city... and I finally have a studio that has  so much space that I can have my doll collection, crafting area, office space, and soon a library area all in one space.  It is awesome.

The yard is a gardeners paradise.  There is a huge vegetable garden, lots of flower beds... fruit trees, and song birds everywhere.

We have landed in Paradise... and we are so very happy.

We miss our close friends, and of course our son, who has brought someone new into our lives and our family.  Our sacrifices have been many - but sometimes in our lives we are called to make them in order for even better things to happen... this has been one of those times for Gary and I.

So come back often, won't you?    I have a whole lot of new things to run past you..

It sure is good to be back...

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