Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall chores, and Baby loves Spaghetti

The month of September has been packed with many "news" for me and my family.  Exciting times are happening in my little home.

After 6 yrs of working full time, our son Jonathan has returned to school.  He started college on September 6th and aside from the odd panic over math problems, he is loving his course and new learning environment.  Having said that is is weird to have a student in the house again.  We are accustomed to having a grown child with us, but not accustomed to having that grown child working quietly in his room on school projects instead of being out every night with friends.

Hubby started 2 new positions in September.  He was offered the coordinator position for the Lutheran Volunteer Ministry  here in Winnipeg, so he has been busy meeting clergy across the city and meeting volunteer service staff in all the major hospitals and the care homes where his volunteers will be working.  He also started working for a seniors agency - doing computer repair for seniors in their homes around the city.  He is constantly on the go, but happier than I have seen him in a long time.

So many things have changed for us, and now the season is changing as well, and I find myself changing right along with it.  I don't know what it is about fall that makes me want to gather and store things.  I feel like a squirrel... I want to cook and fill the freezer for the winter.  I want to haul out all my yarn, patterns and needles and pile them around my chair - after a summer of relative inactivity - all of a sudden I want to DO!

About time, I'm thinking.  Christmas is only 3 months away and I want to make some very special projects for some very special people. 

I am not doing any craft sales again this year - I will concentrate on selling online and hopefully selling the odd doll or so on eBay - and of course making gifts for those special people as well. 

Time to get busy...

I promised you a video of "Baby Loves to Talk".  Here she is in an conversation we had the other night.  She really is a terribly cute doll - don't think I can sell this one.... yet!


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