Thursday, January 19, 2012

Missing in Action!

You might have noticed that it's been about 14 days since I last posted.  Truly this was not a planned thing.  In fact when I was on vacation over Christmas I actually made an outline of blog posts for the entire month of January!  Best intentions, and all that!!

Well no matter - I haven't been slouching or vacationing anywhere... life has been just a bit to overwhelming and hectic these past couple of weeks.  Work has been incredibly busy with year-end proceedings (always a fun activity).  My Molly has been really sick requiring some vet visits and medication and a lot of TLC, and I had a recent ER visit too which is resulting in some eye surgery next week - so all in all  - I've been busy!

In all this mess, I have been trying to keep up with the choir, and somehow even managed to get my name nominated for the Vestry (board) at church.  I have 2 prayer shawls started, still haven't finished the baby blanket, and really need to complete Molly's warm coat - because in the last few days we have gone from a beautifully mild winter to a typical Manitoba winter.

This morning the temps are in the -40's and we are not expected to warm up much above that, all day long.

So I will revamp that outline of posts and work on some upcoming material over the weekend, and hopefully by Monday be back on track here.

It is a great time to be doing handwork - so hunker down, make yourself some hot coco or tea, grab your needles or a really good book, and enjoy the winter doldrums....

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 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...