Monday, September 21, 2020


 It's been seven months since my last blog post.  Looking back at the last few posts I had written I realize that the world is a much different place than it was even seven months ago!

Hello Everyone!  Welcome back to Erndalesnmore!

It has been much too long since I sat down at my computer and wrote anything, quite frankly.  I'm not even sure why that is - but it is a fact!

The Pandemic is here, it hadn't quite reached us here in Canada in February, but unbeknown to us, it was very close indeed!

We have gone through the first wave, and now if the authorities are correct, we are about to hit the second wave.  We have all faced challenges, some who have lost loved ones have faced unbearable heartache.

Personally I believe we should all have learned something very valuable through this experience, however the human race being what it is, I don't think that has necessarily happened.

So Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 have come and gone.  We will never see this time again. 

I hope you kept well and I hoped you kept busy doing the things you love, as much as possible.

Long before the Pandemic I had decided to completely revamp my gardens in our back yard.  I had been planning and drawing out plans for months by the time that spring hit, so when it did I went into action and made that project my reason to get up and outside each and every morning!

I can tell you I worked like a dog!  ( where did that saying come from anyway?)  But I did.  I moved structures, I dug, I planted, I made new structures, I weeded, I trimmed, I chopped, I carried, I hauled, and occasionally I sat and observed and changed my plan.

My Year 1 overhaul plan worked.  My garden plan was everything I'd hoped it would be - and then some.  

I took video of my progress from April to the September, and those video's are all on my Youtube channel "Whatever the weather may be".  If you are interested pour yourself a coffee and check them out.

Here is a brief  view of my progress...

I can't wait for Year 2 of my garden plan to come to fruition.  But until then, it will be more planning, more drawing and more dreaming!

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 What a year this has been!  It certainly did not turn out the way I had planned or hoped, but that is all for another post - or maybe we sh...