Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Elizabeth came to being somewhere around the year 1900, no one can say for sure when she arrived, because no one back then, or even now really knows.

I am pretty certain her beginnings were in the United States, but exactly where is anyone's guess, but she started her life on a farm near the little village of Palo Iowa - that is known for certain.

She wasn't called Elizabeth at the beginning, that name was given to her by Mabel Owens; a little girl born in 1896.  Mabel Owens was my Grandmother.

Elizabeth and Mabel became fast friends, going everywhere together, spending hours in each other's company.  They grew up together, and when Mabel fell in love and married and moved to Canada in 1917, Elizabeth went with her, to start her new life near her long-time friend.

Married life for Mabel was hectic.  She was a busy farm wife and mother to eleven children.  After the birth of her youngest child, Mabel succumbed to pneumonia and passed away.

Elizabeth was forgotten about, as the large family struggled without their Mabel.  Mabel's eldest daughter, Margaret became the care giver of her ten siblings, and once in awhile she would seek out the comfort that only Elizabeth could give.  Just like her mother before her, Margaret grew to love Elizabeth and cherished her time with her new-found friend.

The years went by, Margaret grew up and started a family of her own.  She could see how Elizabeth was aging, so she brought Elizabeth to live with her, so she could care for her.  When Margaret moved her family to Wisconsin in the late 1950's, Elizabeth moved with her - back to the country of her origin.

I first met Elizabeth in 1972, I was a teenager  - all wrapped up in myself, as teenagers tend to be. Meeting Elizabeth, and hearing the story of her friendship with my Grandmother (whom I had never known) and then my Aunt (who I adored), I was immediately captivated by Elizabeth.  Each time I visited my Aunt my love for Elizabeth grew.

The last time I saw Elizabeth was the last time I saw my Aunt Margaret, in 2010. By this time, they were both very elderly, and when I said goodbye, I knew that it would be my last chance to do so.

Aunt Margaret passed away in 2017, and by this time Elizabeth had long been forgotten.  I missed my Aunt terribly, and thought about Elizabeth a lot, but her story had ended just as my Aunt Margaret's had.

After my Aunt passed away, I got a call from my cousin, asking if there was anything I wanted from my Aunt's home - the family were cleaning out the house and hoping to sell the property.  I asked for a few things I had made and given to Aunt Margaret over the years, and then Elizabeth popped in my mind.  I asked my cousin what had ever come of Elizabeth, and he admitted that he had no knowledge of her.  I was sad, and more than a little upset with myself that I hadn't asked about her years sooner.  I asked him to find out what he could about Elizabeth, and he promised me he would try.

Weeks later I got a call from another Aunt ( Margaret's sister) telling me that a box had arrived from my cousin with things I had requested of my Aunt's, could I come an pick it up?

I did that the next week.  Sure enough, there were the items I had requested, as well as some craft supplies of my Aunt's that my cousin thought I would use, and another unmarked box, which brought tears to my eyes the minute I saw what was inside.

Elizabeth - Beautiful old Elizabeth, who had been my Grandmother's best friend through her childhood years - and my Aunt's most beloved doll, in the whole of her very vast collection!  Elizabeth had come home to me, and now it was my turn to treasure her for awhile.

I have cuddled her, talked to her, told her stories, and in her silent reply I have felt the memories of a hundred and twenty years and three generations of love pouring out to me.  How very Blessed I have been to be her caretaker for even a few years.

She is 120 years old now, and with each passing day her precious story in my family continues.  I would love to keep her forever,  but I know that doing so might jeopardize her future.  I want to be sure that she lives on for generations to come, so I have decided to pass her forward to the fourth, and even fifth generation.

On Sunday I will be saying goodbye to Elizabeth Owens.  She will be staying with my cousin for a few months, and then she is moving to France to live with her soon to be new best friend  - Mabel's Great-great-granddaughter - Dylann Ella Jeandel.

I have written a little book of her life as I know it, that will go with her, and I hope as she continues to pass through future generations that her story will continue to grow.

I will miss her, I surely will, but I am happy that she will live on long after I am gone from this earth.  I know Mabel and Margaret would approve...

Safe Travels, Dear Elizabeth!

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