How can it possible be February 3rd already? It seems like it was just Christmas!
I had every intention of posting a couple more blogs in January, even wrote a draft of one, but never got around to finishing it!
January was a weird month. We had mostly mild temperatures ( for us) and although I had so much to do, I was somewhat restricted in what I should be doing. I woke up one morning and my vision had drastically changed overnight. I felt like I was looking through a cloud of black pepper. Millions of tiny black specks and one large flashing spike covered the vision in my right eye. I was sure it was a detached retina, and I had experienced this in my other eye several years ago- so off to the eye doctor went I!
I was partially right - It is the retina, but it has not quite detached yet - it's getting close, but it still is intact. I have a followup in 2 weeks to see if anything has changed, and I am pretty sure I will be sent back to the same specialist who did laser on my other eye, eventually! In the meantime, I can't drive, which is not great: I can't shovel snow - which is great: and I shouldn't overstrain my eyes - that's a tall order for a crafter like me!
I am trying very hard to comply to all the shouldn'ts!
I set aside the tiny stitching I was doing on my fox from THE YEAR IN THE WOODS, but I have continued my daily stitching journal - and I finished the month of January.
Check it out!